ULTIMATE ANTI AGE 24h Care Moisturiser

The BIODROGA Medical Institute ULTIMATE ANTI AGE 24h Care moisturizing cream is an innovative skincare product that blends nourishing evening primrose oil and shea butter with advanced science. The cream has been formulated using the latest peptide technology to reduce the various signs of skin aging. The peptides Clothilde, Pentalactin, and Tripeptide-5 work together to rejuvenate the skin. Clothilde has a cell-activating effect similar to the youth hormone Clotho, which helps reduce sagging skin. Pentalactin rejuvenates "sleeping" skin cells and stimulates their vitality, while Tripeptide-5 activates collagen synthesis, reducing fine lines and wrinkles. This formulation is the most advanced combination of anti-aging peptides available in skincare.
Skin Concern
Wrinkles and Sun Repair
Skin Type
Normal and Combination/Oily
Natural Origin index